Develop a Soroban smart contract that will:
Key functions:
pub fn store_block_header(header: BlockHeader) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Validate and store the Bitcoin block header
pub fn verify_transaction(tx: Transaction, proof: MerkleProof) -> Result<bool, Error> {
// Verify that a Bitcoin transaction is included in a stored block
pub fn claim_btc(tx_id: Vec<u8>, merkle_proof: MerkleProof) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Verify the Bitcoin transaction and mint equivalent tokens on Stellar
pub fn initiate_atomic_swap(btc_amount: u64, xlm_amount: u64) -> Result<SwapId, Error> {
// Initiate a cross-chain atomic swap
pub fn complete_atomic_swap(swap_id: SwapId, secret: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Complete a cross-chain atomic swap
Develop an off-chain relayer system that:
Create a user-friendly interface for:
Implement a flexible fee structure in the smart contract:
pub fn set_fee_structure(fee_type: FeeType, amount: u64) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Set fee type (percentage or fixed) and amount
pub fn calculate_fee(transfer_amount: u64) -> u64 {
// Calculate fee based on current fee structure
Develop an automated fee collection and distribution system
Implement dynamic fee adjustment based on network congestion and market conditions
Create a staking contract for tokenized Bitcoin:
pub fn stake_tokenized_btc(amount: u64, duration: u64) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Lock tokenized BTC for staking
pub fn claim_staking_rewards() -> Result<u64, Error> {
// Calculate and distribute staking rewards
Implement liquidity pool contracts for tokenized Bitcoin pairs
Develop a reward distribution system for liquidity providers
Implement tiered service levels with different fee structures and benefits:
pub enum ServiceTier {
pub fn set_user_tier(user: Address, tier: ServiceTier) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Set user's service tier
Develop priority transaction processing for premium users
Create enhanced security features for higher tiers (e.g., multi-sig requirements, time locks)
Design a modular architecture that allows for easy customization
Develop API endpoints for integration with other platforms:
pub fn initiate_cross_chain_transfer(
: Chain,
from_chain: Chain,
to_chain: u64,
amount: Address
recipient-> Result<TransferId, Error> {
) // Initiate a cross-chain transfer
Create documentation and support materials for white-label partners
Implement a governance token for the bridge ecosystem:
pub fn mint_governance_tokens(recipient: Address, amount: u64) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Mint governance tokens based on user activity or direct purchase
pub fn submit_proposal(proposal: Proposal) -> Result<ProposalId, Error> {
// Submit a governance proposal
pub fn vote_on_proposal(proposal_id: ProposalId, vote: Vote) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Vote on a governance proposal
Develop a vesting schedule for team and early adopter allocations
Create a DAO structure for decentralized decision-making on bridge parameters and upgrades